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Racketball is the UK’s fastest growing sport.  It is similar to squash,  but played with a larger ball and shorter racket. It is played across all ages and is easier to play than squash or tennis as the ball moves more slowly which allows more time to react to the ball and the shorter racket makes the ball easier to strike. Longer rallies makes it a great cardio and mental workout.



Club coach Nic Birt provide coaching in Racketball for individuals and groups across all age ranges and abilities.  If you'd like find out more about Racketball please get in touch with Nic on mobile: 07813 301904 or e-mail



Racketball is a growing sport at Cardiff Squash & Racketballl Club with some members playing both squash and racketball and some making a complete shift over to racketball.  If you are interested in setting up a match, whether it be singles or doubles, Nic would be happy to introduce you to other Racketball players at the Club.


RULES of Racketball

Please follow the link below for the basic rules of Racketball (Squash 57).  You will also a further link on the page which will take you to more comprehensive information on the rules for singles and doubles.

Click here.

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